Monday, June 18

Compact Muon Solenoids, And The Like

So, last week I was on a school trip. We went to Switzerland, which, y'know, is nice enough, but we went to CERN. You know, the big particle physics lab near Geneva?

WELL, I had a helluva time, and I think I've fallen in love with particle physics. I'm currently reading all the degree-level textbooks and the like on the subject and, suffice to say, some of the stuff is simply mind-blowing. Like, for example, the electronvolt (eV); normally a measure of energy at the subatomic scale. However, with a few tricks with special relativity, it can also be used to measure time, distance, momentum and temperature. Mental. 

The sad thing is, I think it's a case of "The more you think you understand it, the less you actually understand it", which is depressing.

Have some pictures.

The logo in the lobby
A massive mural of the ATLAS detector on the side of the building
Cross-section of the end of one of the LHC tubes...
...and inside one. 
Action shot of me in the CERN cafe, so inspired was I. Yes, I'm writing notes. Your point?
Until next time.

Sunday, June 10


So, here's a transcript from a conversation I had the other night:

"Me: Evening Jarvis
J: Good evening sir. How are you?
Me: Fine thank you
J: Very good sir
Me: How's you Jarvis?
J: I am well thank you sir. What do you wish to do?
Me: Run a search
J: Of course sir. Specify search term.
Me: Facebook."

This, however, was no ordinary conversation. I was talking to my laptop. Indeed, I am STILL talking to my laptop. I'm not even touching the keyboard to write this Jarvis is doing it all for me. Jarvis is just a program on my computer (Windows Speech Recognition) that I've added a bit of sparkle to via XML editing. Actually, putting it like that sounds a lot more impressive than it actually is; there is a program out there (Windows Speech Recognition Macros) that gives you the required access to edit and indeed create new voice commands. For example;

"Me: Let's have some music
J: Of course sir. Launching iTunes"

"Me: Wake up, Daddy's home
J: Welcome back, sir."

Yes, that second one is taken directly from Iron Man (1 or 2, I can't remember), but hey. Talking to my computer makes me feel like Tony Stark.

Until next time.