I have to say, that 'snow' was a disappointment. It didn't even settle! I think it must've been cleverly disguised sleet. All it's done is made the place colder and slightly damper; as if I needed that.
On the theme of clever disguises, I want this shirt:
So then, half term. This is possibly the last 'relaxed' break I'll have, ever. Easter and study leave- Studying, obviously (Teehee); summer- pacing nervously for the six weeks prior to results day, and then A2 exams. Jeez.
In light of this, there are a few social-y thingummies cracking off, not least the second 'Sixth Form Social'. Am I going? Of course...
...I'm not. It's not my scene. I'd sooner stay at home and, I dunno, iron my hankies, or write blog posts. Also, there's the small fact that almost any form of human contact irritates me (People are just stupid. I mean, come on, the ending to CoD:Black Ops was voted the all-time best in gaming history. Explain to me how that isn't a case for hating humanity as a collective.)
Ten points if you got the Hitchhiker's Guide reference in the above paragraph.
My laser pointer still hasn't arrived. I'm sat under the letterbox, waiting for it to come through. It said 'Military Grade' on the product description. I had to buy it.
By the way, I hope you're all making the most of the last three days of National Flirting Week!
Until next time.
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