Saturday, February 4

On the Brink of Madness

My alarm woke me at stupid-o'clock this morning, so I got up and had a Bethesda session; Skyrim followed by Brink.

The customisation options are the best bit for me.
Brink: a game spurned by most 'hardcore gamers'. What I want to know is why? In my experiences of it, I find nothing lacking. The gameplay is smooth, and the parkour element is brilliant; on other games, I regularly find myself trying to 'Brink slide' around corners, to no avail. 

Admittedly, the apparent vast array of weapons isn't quite so vast once you get into the game; the only truly viable option is two sub machine guns, as that's all the choice you're really given. Yes, there are a few issues where a surface refuses to render until five minutes after you've looked at it and walked off, but hey. The gameplay is awesome, the use of level scaling AI enemies likewise.

I don't see what the problem everyone has with it is; this is the game that broke me into the FPS genre. Actually, that might be it. This is a breaking in game for people who haven't played FPSs before, and therefore the ravening CoD crowd dismiss it. Which brings me nicely on to my hatred of CoD. This might be- and probably is- a hipster thing on my behalf, but everyone plays it, and I don't get the hype; it's all 'AAAAAHHSHOOTINGLOL'. There's no sense of a story developing, especially in online modes; Brink has this, as you just play the campaign missions online. 

Me, I'm a story gamer. My games have to have a decent story, as I'll dismiss them as shallow. That's probably my problem with CoD: I just need something more mentally stimulating than running around with a gun shooting people. I'll stick with my RPGs, ta. 

Speaking of which...
 Oblivion has just arrived as I write this! No doubt a post sometime in the future shall be me waxing lyrical about it. I'm a fan of RPGs. 

 In other news, I'm writing a book! *cheering and applause* Never fear, I'll keep you posted on how that goes, too. 

 Until next time.

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