Wednesday, February 15

We Have Much To Discuss...

It seems as I realise I have more of a life, I post less. Either that, or I've spent the last few days weeping in frustration at our WiFi router, and hitting it with varying sizes of hammers. I'll leave you to work out which.

So, Monday: Go-Karting. At Wymeswold. For a mate's birthday. That was fun, despite my apparent incompetence (I came last, but I am secretly a plant the company puts there so everyone feels better about themselves when they don't come last. Or that's what I keep telling myself). Then we went back to his and played Portal 2 and ate lasagne. A good day was had by all.

Tuesday: Valentine's Day. I'll refrain from going all soppy (you have Sunday to look forward to for that), but it was a good day. I went over to my girlfriend's house (yes, ladies, I'm taken. Sorry and all that) and cooked her a meal, because I'm nice like that. I went far better than I expected it to, since I am more than less than incompetent in the kitchen. I might put the recipe up in a future post. It was good.

Valentine's Day also meant the completion and exchange of sockmonkeys. I was, after all, making it for my girlfriend. Mine is the badly done lilac one:
It wouldn't be manly to have done it well. Or that's what I keep telling myself. The stripy one (made by my girlfriend) is called Albert, the lilac one Lyra
They look so sweet together. It's a shame my hurried stitching is more suited to battlefield injuries. 

I know I said no posts on Wednesdays, but it is half term, so you can let me off.

Tomorrow I have my first driving lesson (*dramatic chord*) so I'll let you know how that went and what to expect and whatnot.

Until next time. 

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